10-17-2008, 03:56 PM
hotzester Wrote:I absolutely agree with the death penalty. Unlike many, however, I don't have as much of an issue with the length of time it takes to get from Point A to Point B. Why? Certainty.
On a visceral, emotional level, sure - I'd love to drag them from the courtroom to the gallows in one afternoon. But it's worth a few bucks to me to make sure that every possible appeal and every piece of evidence that could possibly exonerate the convicted has been thoroughly addressed. I don't look at it as paying to keep the guilty alive as much as I see it as paying to keep the INNOCENT alive.
If, after all is said and done, you're still guilty? Absolutely - make it quick and make it painful. But I'd rather take a few years to be sure we're not getting the innocent guy shocked.
Think of it this way - if you were convicted of a crime in 1975, and had been executed in 1977, you'd have been dead for YEARS before they discovered the importance of DNA evidence that may have proven your innocence. How much is that worth to you?
There you go effin up another thread with REASON. Can't we go medieval every once in a while?
Off with their heads.