10-21-2008, 12:53 PM
landmammaldolphin Wrote:The problem isn't with mingers breeding too much...it's with the lack of natural selection that is taking place. You see the gubmint tells us we have to wear our seat belts, that we have to wear a helmet when we ride a motorcycle, that we can't climb on the outside of tall buildings or they'll send the police. It's all the gubmints fault that not enough stupid people are dying, not that too many are breeding. If we would just abolish some of the laws that allow people to be stupid, we wouldn't have to worry about so many of them doing safe things, hence natural selection will kill off the weakest in our society.
If we would let the fat lazy people burn their jubblies off with hot McDonalds coffee more often they wouldn't be able fornicate and produce more idiots!!
I agree with you 100%
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"