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getting stuck stories
Queenie Wrote:When I was a freshman in high school, after a basketball game one night, I got stuck at school and ended up spending the night in the lobby of the gymnasium. It was an away game and the bus let the coach off in "town" because that's where he lived, and the sports trainer, who happened to be a senior, accompanied the team and cheerleaders back to the school. I tried calling my mom, but could get in touch with her. I figured she was on the way to pick me up. The sports trainer said he had to get home because it was getting late. I told him I was sure that my mom was on her way. WRONG. I thought about pulling the fire alarm, but decided I might get in trouble. I also thought about walking to the farm house next to the school, but remembered I was in the country and farmers shoot things outside in the night. So I just layed on top of the radiator and bided my time until the cooks came in at about 5:30 the next morning. Needless to say, I had an excused absence for the day and the school superintendent remembers it to this day.

What what your mom's excuse?

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