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You work for me Doc!
Admin Wrote:You did the right thing.

Recently I had a discussion with our pediatrician WRT to the MMR shot which has been linked to autism. I told her that we were refusing the MMR shot and would seek a doctor who gave the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccinations at different times. She agreed to disagree and honored our wishes.

Now I still have to find a local doctor who buys into the MMR/autism link.

BTW, it sounds like you might want to look into it as well because it will be coming up for you in a couple of months.

I wished my sister had known about the MMR/autism link. I have 2 nephews who are now 14 years old. They were normal babies, had begun speaking, walking, potty training and then BAM, got their MMR and have suffered from autism ever since. They were 2 remaining triplets. They are extremely intellegent boys, but it is just a shame that she was not aware of this. They have developed extremely well, and are as sweet as can be. One of the local TV stations was going to do a story on them a while back. I'm not sure what happened, but it was never done for whatever reason.

WRT the Emla Cream, way to go LMD! There are plenty of doctors in this world, and to have one that wouldn't give you a prescription for no other reason than that he didn't want to and held the power to do so is complete and utter bullshit. Nobody knows whether or not it works on any or every child. I understand mainerliser's point, but not every child went to her clinic and to state that it does not work is impossible to say with absolute certainty (no offense mainerliser). Good luck with the boosters. I remember the scream of my children when they got (or get) a shot, it just kills my soul. Whether or not the child remembers it is moot when you consider the fact that we as parents will never forget it.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!

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