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george carlin
That's what made him genius. He observed things that we all saw every day, but never paid attention to. We all know there are certain words you can't say on the radio, for example. But George Carlin was the one that looked closer and said "Wait a second, so you can say 'pissed off' but you can't say 'pissed on'?" He took things that we all just accepted (the pilot in command of an airliner, for instance) and explored it just a bit further. ("Who made this man a captain?")

Anyone can observe - he took his observations and explored.


Quote:actually i find his stuff too simple. His baseball / football bit is just dumb.
"baseball is played in the spring"........what's funny about that.

You're taking one line out of that entire bit, and using it as an example of the bit itself. What you've done is essentially taken the words "I'm Free Beer" and asked why the FBHW show is funny.

The rest of that bit is examining the differences between baseball and football, and he's found a way, using language, to make football sound like a brutal, life or death game, and baseball sound like a bunch of children playing grabass in the park.

OBVIOUSLY baseball and football are different. Carlin took it further.

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