11-05-2008, 03:22 PM
Quote:Why are you guys so crabby about Obama? Why all the instant judgements on the man? He seems fine to me, and apparently the rest of the world agrees because they're out dancing in the streets and praising whomever that we didn't put another "good ole boy" in the presidency.
Give him an 'effing chance.
I would rather kick myself in the nuts then see that stupid ass Palin as VP....good lord.
Because I disagree with his policies. I don't believe that the key to success lies in the hands of the government. I believe that we, as Americans, are capable of making as much as little out of our lives as we wish. We've all got the same opportunities, some just choose to capitalize on them, and for doing so, they're demonized.
Quote:I think that Obama may not be the best guy for the job, but it's time to take the money supply and put it into other people's hands.
Well you're in luck - because that's exactly what President Obama is going to do.
EDIT: And by the way, I don't give a rat's ass who other countries want to lead us. If they want me to care, they should all move here (legally, incidentally) and cast a vote. If anything, I'm concerned that other countries are celebrating this decision.