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i just got this email...
sunshyne Wrote:Oh, and I don't mind paying for people that need help to better themselves, but when I was struggling before i got the job I have now, we couldn't afford the rent in our area, but his magazine he has now "grossed" too much to live in the lower cost housing, it doesn't matter that all the $ the magazine makes goes back into it, and nets basically nothing. We couldn't get a house loan cause we weren't "poor" enough for government assistance and I just started my new job and he was self employed. We were screwed and no one was there to bail us out, or give us a helping hand. And when I'm at work i hear people talking about selling their food stamps so they can buy their cigarettes and beer, and trying to get my boss to lie to their apartment complex about their starting work date so they don't have to pay last month's rent (which she doesn't do for them by the way), I get pissed, yes, I don't want to pay MORE of my hard earned money that i struggle enough with to go to waste. I say cut welfare and MAKE people take the peeon jobs or see what its really like to not have a free ride.

I don't like paying any of my money for those people either. It drives me mad that people take advantage of what's given to them. But - like I've used as a disclaimer all along - there are ALWAYS people on BOTH sides of the spectrum that take advantage of the system. I've sat down with a group of people (my best friend's parents and company - all in the $750K+/yr salary range), and they talked about all the different ways they got the government's tax plans to work in their favor.

One guy - a developer who earns around $3M/ year - talked about his new Porsche Cayenne that he only paid $15K for because he was able to write it off as a business expense and use government incentives to pay for the rest.

The rest were talking in super accountant rhetoric that I didn't completely understand, but all I could tell was that they were paying their accountant exorbitant amounts of money to "legally" show that they had earned HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars less than they had actually earned.

How is that any better than the people at your job selling their food stamps for cigarettes?

All I'm saying is that there are people everywhere that don't have their morals in line, but you're only around a certain demographic of these people on a daily basis. It seems as if you're only basing your opinion on these people.

Please don't take this (or my last post directed at you) as a personal attack. I'm simply saying that most people that I encounter that make statements like you did don't think about the entire picture.

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