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I'm not racist, but....
I got some of that on Wednesday at work......I am a very Conservative Constitutional Independent party voter. I walked up to some of my friends at work that had voted for Obama. Ended up with some people that didn't know me, reporting me to supervisors as racist.... I shook the people's hands congratulated them, they asked why, I said I was happy that their candidate won. They questioned me, I said I am happy but still worried. They asked me why I was worried, and I answered, I'm just worried someone will try to do something stupid. The friends said don't worry God has his back. I said I know, but Kennedy, Reagan, ect..... The nosy busy bodies, ran screaming that I was a racist, and sarcastic in my congratulations and was threatening the president elects life......WTF????? My friends are black, they agreed with me, one black friend looked at me and said why (where) you in meetings, I've said the same thing, so has my grandma, must be because you don't have a tan. My friends said that I should be apologized to.......... Hubby is mad because he says I'm the least racist person he knows. I guess we forget that Kennedy, Reagan, Lincoln were white and stupid things happened. Lincoln and Kennedy Democrats....has nothing to do with color. Even the supervisors admitted if I had said the same thing about McCain, I would have never ended up in a meeting.

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