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So your going to keep ripping on Palin...
Apparently you haven't listened to the show very much, or you are a new listener or you have selective hearing but FB&HW most defiantly made tons of fun of Obama. Look at my posts from when Sara Palin was first nominated. I was excited to have her as the V.P. and even I have to admit the more she talked the dumber she sounded. Thats OK if you are a regular person knock your self out be as dumb as you want.

I gave her the benefit of the doubt and still voted for her, but PLEASE, she may be smart enough to shoot a moose, fish for salmon, and be the leader of Alaska but in hind site I think she wasn't even the best qualified republican female available, much less the best qualified republican. Don't get me wrong... She's still HOT and I'd live with the stupid accent for a chance to do her, just don't pretend she is something she is not.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"

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