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So your going to keep ripping on Palin...
This stuff in unbelievable. What is so difficult to understand? The guys talk about whatever is topical. As soon as the election was over what was on the news channels the next few days? It wasn't Barack. It was the GOP deciding to take a dump on Palin. So that's what they talked about. If McCain won and the entire democratic party decided to take Biden to taste I'm sure FB&HW would be talking about that.

Besides, even if political talk does lag a bit it's sure to fad into the background within a week and almost nothing will be mentioned again until inaugeration day.

They cull their topics from whatever was on TV the day before. Don't blame the guys for talking about a topic you don't want to hear about. Blame the television channels for choosing to air the Palin stuff. The guys are still running the show in the exact same manner they were before the election coverage started and they'll be running it the same way months from now.

Sometimes current events are things you don't want to hear about. Deal with it. I'm sure they'll come up with a topic that interests you soon enough or else you wouldn't be listening to the show.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
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All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown

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