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Smoking While Pregnant
I know someone who smoked while preggo so she wouldn't have a big baby and she didn't give a flying f*#k what anyone said to weighed 5 lb11oz and was 16" at birth (full term) now she's worried cause the baby isn't gaining weight. I don't even think she was trying to get pregnant. I actually got pregnant ON the pill and didn't realize it untill I was around 10 weeks. Meanwhile I was smoking and drinking, having a good time. I was sooo scared that I had harmed the baby, I couldn't imagine doing all that knowing I had a little life growing inside of me...she's perfect by the way 8lbs 5 oz 20 1/2". I started smoking after she was born but I quit for good over a year 1/2 ago. Now I can't even stand the smell of it. I know how hard it is to quit but you've got to put your priorities in order. And I do think its sad that people like me can get pregnant without even trying while people who are desperate for kids can't....most days I can't even stand to be around my kids (don't smite me, I'm just kidding) If your trying to get pregnant I tell people to go on the pill for about a year then "miss" a couple during your fertile days....a friend of mine had twins this way.

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