11-13-2008, 06:38 PM
scooterfanatic Wrote:Those copies of the game were already spoken for. People paid a fee to pre-order them, so if they sold them to you it would be like a car dealership selling a car you bought and put a down payment on to someone else.
No they weren't, i've worked in these stores, and have friends that still do, and they always order more than the preorders. They are not spoken for, its to drive up demand and ensure that they have copies in the store available for when they put it in the sundays circular without any actual sale price.
Case in point, my friend is the manager at another Gamestop, and they sold 20 preorders on fallout 3, and got 40 copies of it into the store. So they had 20 sitting there, unaccounted for, that they wont sell, even though im willing to pay, for no reason. Awesome