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Thanksgiving plans
I will be cooking for my family at my father's this year. My mother used to cook every year, but she passed away in January, 2004. I tried to step in her shoes (big shoes) that year, but my brother was being such a dick, I decided it wasn't worth it. But I did try again a couple of years ago, and it turned out better, but not optimum. My brothers don't usually come to my Dad's anymore on Thanksgiving Day, but catch him on the weekend after. We'll probably watch the Titans beat the Lions and end with a picking session (me, my father, and one of my sons play guitar). I'm sure Plungee and I will work in a few games of pong. I am looking forward to it.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!

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