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Introduce yourself!
I was born Sept. 23, 1980 in Atlantic City, NJ. I lived in Brigantine, NJ until I was 6, then moved down to Florida and was raised there. I moved to Tennessee to work at a VA State Park in April 2004 with my then boyfriend dispite my parents' gripeing. He and I got married on October 15, 2006.
[Image: Jasonmywedding2.jpg]

I enjoy camping, painting, singing, reading, target shooting, hiking, fishing, hunting, swimming, surfing, theres not much I don't enjoy doing if I can be outside (when its warm).

I have two cats and one crazy, good dog named Piper.

[Image: P3290293.jpg]

I like talking to all you guys on the message board, it gives me something to do on breaks at work, and its nice to meet new people.

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