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Colored People
My History: By Chlie Toris

After reviewing my genealogical records, I have determined the following:

1) I am a true Heinz 57 Mutt

2) My family slept with anything NOT nailed down. ( And a FEW things that were!)

As an example: Turns out OUR family is fond of trees, especially the knot-holes. They are environmentalists in the TRUE sense!!

I can trace my lineage to Ireland, France, Germany, Persia, Native Americans, two types of conifer and three types of terrier!

Do I expose my heritage to prove a point? NO... I'm tired of being arrested and questioned!!!

It is stupid to have quantifiers in front of "American"!! What kind of American are YOU?" I'm an American! It Really is that simple..

1) Are you a citizen of the U.S.?

2) Go back to # 1...

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