11-22-2008, 01:59 PM
How about well posted street signs? My girls elementary school is on one of the busiest streets in the county. It's a 4 lane divided road speed limit 45 but you know most people go anywhere from 50-55. When you pull out of the school, you have to make a right hand turn, they don't want you to try to cross the road and make a left. There is a sign that states this clearly. Yet every day I see cars darting across the street to make that left hand turn instead of driving 1/2 a block to the light to make a u-turn. You know some of these cars are loaded with children and usually there is a line of cars waiting to pull into the school to pick up the kids so you really can't see the oncoming traffic. Luckily there hasn't been an accident in awhile. There's always 2 state troopers waiting during school hours and everyday they have someone pulled. EVERYDAY!!!!! :-[