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President Obama
Mad Dog Wrote:I didn't vote for him and I don't think I like his approach, but I can see why people like him and support him. He's handsome, he's articulate, He seems pretty down to earth, plus he doesn't have the "makes me want to vomit" factor of Bill Clinton. Thats a big plus. If he turns the economy around, however he does it, He's going to be real trouble for the Republicans next term.

i know a lot of people around my college campus who voted for him because they were pissed off about the debt we're inheriting and how, if things keep going the way they are, we'll be paying for it in a big way when we get older. so i guess trying someone on the other side is better than the party whose screwed us over.

that didn't really factor in to my decision on who to vote for, but i know some people voted just on that reason alone and it's kind of a shame.

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