11-24-2008, 10:50 AM
landmammaldolphin Wrote:I would change the NFL (more specifically the Lions) to a bonus system. If you are hired as a Lion, you don't get a big contract, instead you get $50,000.00/year and you get paid bonuses for everything good you do. If your team scores a touchdown, every player on the field gets a $10,000.00 bonus. If you give up a sack, that player gets fined $500.00. If you fumble, $500.00 fine. If you throw an interception, $500.00 fine. If you get any penalty against you, $500.00 fine. You get a $20,000 bonus per player for making the playoffs and $10,000 for each playoff win. You get $100,000 per player if you make it to the Superbowl and an additional $100,000 per player if you win it.
I'm sick of players coming into the league and making truckloads of money and then ending up like the majority of Lion's draft picks. You want to play in the NFL, you have to earn the money. I think they should implement the same kind of pay scale throughout sports.
I just thought of a problem with this. Where does the extra money go? To the Team owners? So the Lions completely suck... still sell tickets to idiots, and still make money. If they don't have to pay the players, they make (keep) more money. More team owners will try to suck, just to make more money.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."