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Introduce yourself!
I am Joe. I have lived in west Michigan my entire life. I used to be a super stoner looser drunk, but now I'm just a nerd that likes one bowl and one beer a day. If given the opportunity, I will play video games for hours, but I realy get off on pen and paper RPGs and magic cards. Like I said, I'm a nerd. People tell me I look like john Lennon, or a hippy, or like I walked right out of the seventies. Probably because I have quite long brown hair and round glasses. Anywho, I have listened to the show off and on sence high school. So I can remeber pre-producer joe shenanigans. Never been married, don't want to get married either, at least until I think myself old. I will be attending cc this winter semester, and hopefully in five to ten years I will have a sweet job in robotics and cybernetics (<--told ya I was a nerd). Finally, if the world ends in my lifetime, I will live on the moon and have robot armor to kick commie/alien/terrorist/antichrist ass. Welcome to the world of Stupid, please enjoy your stay. I'll be here all week. The stroganoff is worth it. <--(what the hell am I talking about?)

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