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Favorite repetitve call in people
blakjustn3 Wrote:Screw Chris the liar. They should give out his number on the air next time he calls and makes up some stupid fabricated story. The Iraq thing just pissed me right off.

The Iraq story pissed me off for a number of reasons:

For starters, I spent the past 6 months seriously looking at joining the Air Force or Navy. Although I just recently decided to go back to school, I learned so much about the military and gained so much respect for what those people have sacrificed that some clown calling in because he wishes he could be one of those people made me so angry.

As if that wasn't reason enough to hate this guy, it pissed me off that he actually thought his pathetic lie would fool anyone. I mean, if you're going to lie and say you're a soldier in Iraq, at least do your research. Know what time it "should be in Iraq" when you're calling, know where "you're stationed", use military time and lastly, don't make up a story saying you beat up a woman and her kid.

Our troops are out there risking their lives and are spending months away from family and friends to protect the freedom and rights of idiots like that guy. Kind of sad.

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