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The only home school kids I ever knew lived in the trailer park where I used to live when I was married. When we met them is when I decided to start taking my family to going to church. We discovered that she lived with her kids, a boy and a girl, just around the corner in the same park. So our family's started hanging out together. She was widowed and her kids were eleven and thirteen at that time.

From the very beginning of getting to know them, I noticed that the kids were intelligent introverts, very much into there own little world. Both kids had a very strange view of the world. The people at our church were the only outside in-put they had and everyone pretty much thought the same thing. We got to know them very well. Her, her kids, our pastor (who was very a young guy and became my best friend at the time) and my family would hang out and have cook outs, hymn sings, prayer sessions. It was a very weird, very cool time of my life.

As they got older, neither child was allowed to date, but the mom did allow supervised "courting". The Mom's whole focus was on these items in this order. 1. Fear of the Lord. 2. regular church attendance 3. Chastity ie. No rebellious sex. 4. Academics. She was hard and fast with this.

To make a long story a little shorter, Her worst fears were realized because BOTH the boy and the girl had unwanted pregnancy's by the time they were eighteen. So to me the moral of the story is you can guide you kids but ultimately they make their own decisions and if you try to exercise you iron will over them they will rebel. Especially if you try to control their sex life.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"

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