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Zane can take a vacation...Bring Back Steph Webb
xxxredeye Wrote:
dumberthanzane Wrote:Who on the show would you like to see Stephanie Webb replace?

Its been how effing long since Stephanie was on the show? She wasn't that good, she was average at best. The only reason she was a success was because she was a little different and talked a little more than Hot Wings. She's not ever going to become a permanent member of the show and if she did, she wouldn't be replacing anyone! The show would probably suck and be dropped across the board! Go shove your stupid poll up your stupid vagina you stupid stupid!

If you want to creme your jeans from hearing her voice every effing morning, tune into WZZM 13 and watch her effing show! It'll never happen!

If she was to replace Zane then who would we have to do stupid things, like punching themselves in the penis or head, make outrageous statments and be a ticking time bomb of anger towards efftards like yourself? Joe? No, because Zane is the very reason Joe is Joe. And we all know Free Beer, Hot Wings and even Stephie, would never have the balls to be Zane! So make like Zane and punch yourself in the head as hard as you can and eff off!

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