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28 years since Lennons death.
Ok today , Dec. 8th, is the anniversary of John Lennons death. I thought this would be a good time to have people give their thoughts on him, The Beatles or whatever. Or maybe your favorite Lennon/Beatles songs. Yes I am a huge Beatles fan. I am 26 and truly discovered their music in jr. high. I had tons of albums, documentary movies, posters, clothes, etc. MY favorite songs from him are - Imagine (duh!), Watching the Wheels, Love, Jelous Guy, Mind Games. I have MUCH more but didn't want to overload this with songs. So what about you guys? Are there any other fans out there?
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.

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