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28 years since Lennons death.
Jiggy Wrote:
FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:I'm not a fan of Mr. Ono. Of the fab 4, he was my least favorite. I give him credit for what he accomplished, but he didn't do it for me.
I'll admit the older I have gotten he's not my most favorite Beatle anymore, that honor goes to George. As much as I think the world would be better off with his message of worldwide peace and love I think it will never happen and alot of what he said can just be interpreted as ramblings of a hippie. While George promoted this same philosophy I think he had a different style of coming across to people. I think more so than Lennon he tried to live his life as he preached it.

+1 Karma for you. George is by far the "best" Beatle.
I'm so goth, I shit bats.

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