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king or queen of the USA
jus' P Wrote:
cuppie Wrote:I would get rid of all handicap parking passes for people who are grossly obese. I would make them park in the back of the parking lots so they would have to walk as far as possible to get into stores. Also I would make everyone in the country get tested for AIDS then would take all of the AIDS infected people and move them into one region (preferably an island) until all forms of AIDS and HIV were eradicated from the country. That's the only way we're going to get rid of AIDS.

AIDS thins the herd and controls population. A world without disease would starve itself because people are stupid...

It's no longer survival of the's survival of nearly everyone...
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"

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