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douche bag cars
Rock Monster Wrote:
Imray_Pinasheep Wrote:I gotta go with the people who've bought the new, "greener" Escalade. Because 20mpg instead of 14 makes all the difference in the world. If you wanna make a difference, go buy a Prius or some other econo-car.. or at least just stop pretending like you care.
You should be happy that these people are doing this. This is part of the reason that gas is under $2 a gallon, instead of over $4.

For the record, I'm not saying it's bad that people are driving more fuel-economical vehicles. I'm saying it's asinine to claim you're doing your part to save the environment and lead a greener liftestyle by driving a massive vehicle. And even if it means I believe in a stereotype, I'm willing to bet at least two-thirds of the people who drive a vehicle that big don't need to. THAT is my major complaint.

I have three kids in carseats, and I fit them all in the backseat of my 2000 Chevy Impala.. which I can get 400+ miles to a 15 gallon tank on a road trip from west Michigan to Philly. Hell, even if all I do is city driving to work and back, I can still get between 280 and 300.. so I go two, almost three, weeks without filling up. Before you get on me about that being only 20mpg, that's CITY. The Escalade hybrid and its ilk only get 20 if they're lucky on the highway and only 12 at best while doing city driving.
Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?

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