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Jiggy Wrote:
Bang! Wrote:High School is meaningless. I'm pretty sure you could self teach grades 9-12 to yourself in a year.

Social studies was always pointless. Same shit every year.

I did like the teachers. 8/10 never said what they really thought about current events ect.

Oddly enough my college required High School drama club for its acting course. Really. Worthless. I mean...really? High school drama classes?

Oh well. Least school keeps the little F-tards off the street most of the day.
The biggest failure for most high schools is they don't teach kids practical things like, balancing a checkbook and other money management things. As simple as it may seem to some of us, like you said there are a lot of f-tards out there. I believe this is the parents responsibility but some parents are clueless themselves. At least offer it as an electives class.

Really good points.

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