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TOO much Government?
Krystal Wrote:I understand what you're saying, but right now we need government-supported jobs just to keep the economy going. If no one is working, they can't buy stuff and blah blah blah. Economics is cyclical and all that junk. So I am for larger government. We may not want to be France, but they've got a lotta shit I would like to have (like five vacation weeks a year and free college).

I'm sorry to disagree but we need more businesses to get healthy enough to start hiring people to actually make things to sell. And we just elected someone who's party's base philosophy is to add regulations to businesses and take capitol from businesses. Then give that capitol directly to the masses who did nothing more to earn it than to want it and think they deserve it. I like free money as much as anybody, but taking form a have and giving it to a not for political reasons is ultimately destructive.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"

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