01-09-2009, 01:08 PM
Krystal Wrote:I understand what you're saying, but right now we need government-supported jobs just to keep the economy going. If no one is working, they can't buy stuff and blah blah blah. Economics is cyclical and all that junk. So I am for larger government. We may not want to be France, but they've got a lotta shit I would like to have (like five vacation weeks a year and free college).
And where would all this money come from to help pay for a bigger government? A government needs funds to operate and a healthy economy is the best way to get those funds.
If we just go about and start building a huge government, we'll be a lot closer to your special France, because we'll be borrowing their money.
Oh, also, usually breaking out a random "blah, blah, blah" isn't the best way to be taken seriously in a discussion/debate.