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TOO much Government?
Agreed,'s what I'd do:

-Eliminate welfare. If you LEGITIMATELY can not work, due to a diagnosed, clinical mental or physical disability, you will receive an appropriate stipend from the taxpayers so you can support yourself. Otherwise, get to work. Children would still be eligible for WIC, because they should not have to pay for the laziness of the parent.

-Make English the official language of this country. This would reduce printing costs on damn near everything the government prints, because they'd only have to print it in one language, slashing the expense dramatically.

-Require random drug screens on anyone receiving any form of public assistance, which (as mentioned in mandate #1) isn't many people anymore.

-Establish government funded daycare for low income households. "I don't have a sitter" would no longer be a viable excuse for not working.

-Eliminate Medicaid. If you have a medical bill, and don't have insurance, you will just have to pay for your services like everyone else. This will eliminate hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Medicaid fraud that takes place every year.

-Lower taxes around the board. This starts the ball rolling toward economic recovery. More money>More to spend>More to consume>Greater Demand>More jobs in manufacturing and retail>Increased retail sales>More tax revenue for the government.

-Dissolve the unionization of government agencies. There's no reason public service should be represented by a union. Since government shouldn't interfere with PRIVATE sector industry, I'd offer tax incentives to companies who don't bow to the union extortionists, but I couldn't dissolve them.

-Offer tax incentives to companies who allow their employees to telecommute, reducing traffic, demand on gas, and maintenance costs on highways.

This is fun.

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