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TOO much Government?
No, I actually want more publice service. We know the line between too much and too little government services has to be drawn, but no one can agree on where. I was making an example of the fact that some say that we can't have some of those things because it would raise taxes more. You don't want more public service, but people seem to neglect the public services they already take for granted. People complain about lack of teachers and over-crowded schools, but who wants to pay for it? I'm in an a-hole amount of debt because I had to take out loans to pay for college. I don't like knowing that although my company pays for my health insurance, I have to pay $1,500.00 up front for any procedure outside of a doctor's visit. Don't get me wrong, I make decent money, but before the fluke of nature that got me the job I have I worked in fast-food, where the idea of benefits were a wet dream that none of us had.

Most of these things, people are paying for anyways. They just seem to get offended when they're paying it to the government instead of a company that doesn't guarantee its services. Some call that capitalism. Capitalism is all well and good in theory, but sometimes reality screws it up a bit, but think of all the people who lost jobs because they were shipped overseas for cheaper production costs? Those who had problems finding new jobs? Are they buying stuff? Or are they going to start saving more, because, well, shit happens?

So the government gets bigger. I'm more worried about the government agencies we already have than the ones that would be created for public service. I'd rather see money that has already been slated to "help the economy" go to building roads and schools and staffing. If the money's not there for new programs, then it wasn't there to begin with, raised taxes or no. Personally, I'd rather have a job than a stimulus check.

I believe that I don't get paid to be alive, why should anyone else? Welfare is crap. If I was able to live on $6.50 an hour, why can't anyone else?

I understand eliminating Medicaid, especially because of how many patients and doctors try to screw the system. I also know, though, that I would opt not to have procedures not fully covered by my insurance than to pay and go bankrupt for it, which is sad, but happens a lot. I live with the belief that if I can't afford it, I don't get it. Period.

But, no matter how much my ego wishes otherwise, I'm not always right. Everything I mentioned above could ruin the country for all I really know. What would you suggest?
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