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President Obama
Philly Mike Wrote:
dino Wrote:Reverand Lowery founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957 together with Martin Luther King, JR. and subsequently led the organization as its president from 1977 to 1997. He's already made a name for himself.

regardless of what he did, he has not be in any spotlight as of the past whatever, and i still don't care about what he said. Seriously does it make a difference? So what, its hypocritical, big deal he is stupid. Regardless of what good anyone has done they can still say something dumb enough to erase any good they have done. Look at the fact that Jackson was around with MLK but he is now a dumbass.

The biggest point I was trying to make is the fact that people saying stupid things like this doesn't get brought up because it really isn't that big of a deal. How is this going to change your life? If you make a racist statement around someone who gets offended does it really matter? You will probably never see that person again in your life anyway. So what if they say it nothing happens. If you work with someone and they say it at work they can get fired just as quickly as you would. Outside of a professional setting it really makes no difference unless the statement is being spray painted on to a house or something like that.

I am mostly puerto rican, if someone decides to go and call me a spic I don't care I just let them think they are better. If someone gets offended by something of that nature they are just petty and on the same level as the person trying to do the offending.

There is no reason to get bent out of shape because someone makes an offhand statement, it will change no lives and effects you in no way.

By that logic Senator Trent Lott should have kept his job in the senate leadership. Just an offhanded comment that was taken out of context.
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"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza

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