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How old were you when you moved out of the house
I didn't technically move out until 24 when I got married, but I for the most part moved out when I went to college. I lived in the dorms 2 years then had an apartment there for 2 years. I lived at the apartment for another half year (because of the lease) for another 6 months after graduation and then moved back home because I got my first "real" job closer to home (college was only about 2 hours away from home anyway).

I got said job about 3 months before I turned 23, and then not long after that I got engaged, with the wedding about a year later. Before I got engaged I was planning on getting a place with my college roommate but after I got engaged I decided to just live at home one more year and save up for the marriage. Which was sweet, I got to pay off my car, a few student debts, and save a lot, and I even paid a small rent and kept doing all my old chores like mowing the yard and such.

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