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Who not to fire
meathead Wrote:A ruse?

Wow... hard to see a practical joke and sarcasm through the message board.

Dear Meathead,

I love your user name. I'm a big fan of All In The Family.

That said, sometimes, just sometimes there are people who visit the messageboard that, despite being show listeners, aren't quite up to understanding the difference between some things that are a joke and which are real.

When those people appear, as they did earlier in this thread, there are people here who will try to further the bit by giving the minger who fell for the gag an opportunity to make themselves look more ignorant for not getting the joke. Those people tend to make multiple vehement posts about the subject in one thread.

Once in a great while someone equally clueless will come along and try to explain to everyone who is obviously "in" on the joke how mentally challenged they are for continuing the ruse.

We find these sorts to be as equally mentally incapacitated as those who originally fell for the ruse and tend to label them as "tards" .

So, feel free to join in our jokes and shenanigans as we expose those who listen to the show but are still retarded.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.

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