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I have some questions for the Christians.
I'll take a stab at it douche nozzle:

1) How old is God? As it was said before, he is eternal. No begining, no end.
2) Where does God live? In heaven, idiot.
3) Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? This is actually kind of tricky depending on what you believe. Some say that satan controls bad things, while God controls good things. I personally disagree. I believe things happen to you for a reason. I also believe in free will as opposed to pre-destination, meaning that God creates us, but doesn't have guite as big a hand in things as some think. I might be totally wrong on that, but it's just what I think.
4) Why did God let his only son get beaten, tortured and murdered? Before Jesus died for our sins animals were sacrificed to cover for sin. Jesus was a permanent sacrifice.
5) Why won't God ever let you see or talk to him? The same reason your mother won't let you see her vagina. You don't have to see it, you know it's there.
6) Why is it you can pray to God, but if God ever says something to you, you're considered crazy? God speaks to me in many ways all of the time and I'm not considered crazy.
7) What do you think of the Oakland Raiders? Really?
8) Do you believe that Morgan Freeman is God? He was for a short while, but passed the torch to Cuba Gooding Jr. who totally dropped the ball.

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