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I have some questions for the Christians.
Major A-hole Wrote:I have another question for you since you are familiar with Darwinism......
Do you believe that there is room for God in Charles Darwins theory of evolution? (That is if you believed in GOD) In example:did an ameoba just appear oneday and everything living that we know of evolve from that one single-celled organism or did GOD create that ameoba and then evolution take over. I do not believe evolution just wanting your pov.
there's room. i don't believe in a god, but i could be wrong. the only thing i think everyone should believe in is that they could be completely wrong.

what you said above is as far as any conversation about religion has ever gotten here:

Major A-hole Wrote:I guess its all in how each individual sees the world.
i don't care how long this thread goes. it will not progress any further than that.

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