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I have some questions for the Christians.
My question is why is the bible such an important thing to take literally. Back in the day the bible was created from many books. Some books went in the bible and some books did not make the cut. It is not like this book was sent down from heaven from god himself . I think it is more wise that since we defiantly do evolve that the bible should evolve too. It was a good base line but never to be taken literally.. when someone takes it literally is when we have these ridiculous discussions. We lose the concept of understanding, respect and love that the bible does teach in many of the stories.
Or maybe we can transcend the limitations of the bible and start thinking in the realms of all religion. Every religion has the same messages. Some to more extreme only by one's own interpretation but in the basis of all religion there are rules to follow to just get along and grow together as humans. Now atheists do not apply to this general rule but most of the time atheists have the common sense of what is right and wrong in general... They just do not believe that there is a divine power to make them do this, but they do know what a good person is vs. a bad person.

Weather you are Christian, or atheist, Islam .. or whatever.. well it is pretty ridiculous when you PUSH your beliefs. you are fighting a battle not worth fighting. This thread is awful. A lot of this shows ignorance in people when they speak but not remember teaching from their religion... Or ignorance in knowing what a bad person does (bad people pick fights) Good people make peace..
SO when posting your next post. consider your motive and what your next post will be will be the proof of your character no matter what religion you are or are not.

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