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9/11 Truth!
speedbump Wrote:
Admin Wrote:No, I'm saying that the standard, and misinformed, "go to" is to blame Bush for concocting reasons to go to war and lying to Congress but in the next breath the same people will call him an idiot.

He's either an idiot or a genius and folks like you amuse me to no end.

Did I ever call him an idiot? I think I just called him a bad president. You're great at generalizing me down to a specific group of people that you obviously hate. I know he went to effing Yale, no one stupids gets in there.

What he means is that there is a rather large coterie of individuals on the left who think President Bush is an idiot. The folks who called Karl Rove "Bush's brain", the people with bumperstickers that say "somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot', the people who photoshop George Bush to look like a chimp. You know the types. But it's funny that these same people all claim the 'Bush lied', and he 'duped Congress into going to war'. They think they're making a point, but it's not really helpful to say that your side didn't really look at evidence as they claimed, or they were snookered by a moron. So which is it? Did the senior Democrats on both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees look at the intelligence available (same stuff the President got) when they made all those statements? Are they lying now when they say the intel didn't support their vote in favor of war? Or did they get hornswoggled by someone they consider their intellectual inferior?

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