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Right now I'm....
Allyson Wrote:
potthole Wrote:I couldn't help but laugh when I read one that invovled me... there's a guy from another forum I admin, met him maybe twice in person, and he kept dropping hints in his 25 Things about how I should promote him to a mod.

Ok, he needs attention.

One was from my high school sweetheart and we stayed really close after high school because it wasn't a viscious break-up. He didn't put me on there, but he did put a girl he made out with once about a week after our break-up. And he also said he wished he met his current girlfriend sooner, ie he wished he didn't waste those years on me. Doesn't he know I'm the best thing that ever happened to him? The nerve.

LOL, Don't feel bad... I'd be pissed too...

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