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Right now I'm....
Allyson Wrote:
potthole Wrote:I couldn't help but laugh when I read one that invovled me... there's a guy from another forum I admin, met him maybe twice in person, and he kept dropping hints in his 25 Things about how I should promote him to a mod.

Ok, he needs attention.

Oh, you wouldn't believe. There's a reason why I've only met him in person a couple of times...

A couple summers ago I was working two jobs, both in the mall. I had gotten done with my first job and was over at the second. This guy knew where the first one was, but I had never told him about the second. As I'm in the backstock at this second job, one of my coworkers comes back, looking for me. "Hey, there's some dude out there asking for you, he looks really creepy," she tells me. I poke me head out- it's HIM.

I come out to the sales floor, say hi to him, and do my best to get him to leave the store. He tells me about how he happened to be at the mall, was walking past the store and saw me, so he figured he should come talk. He also mentions that he would like to hang out after my shift. I thank him for the offer, but tell him I've already got plans. I chat for a short while longer, and he finally goes his way.

Three hours later, when my shift is over, I'm heading out to my car. THERE HE IS, waiting for me at the exit! He comes up, I don't really know what he was saying, because I quickly pretended to get a call on my phone, and did my best impression of a racewalker, trying to get to my car as fast as I can.

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