06-26-2008, 08:05 AM
I disagree, and thank you for answering like a dick rather than proving I'm wrong with analysis.
At the end of every round, Zane and the listener will have had the same number of questions, what differs is who goes first. Again, assuming Zane has elected to go second, in odd-numbered rounds, the listener will go first, in even numbered rounds, Zane goes first.
So, if you look at total accumulated questions in the "top" and "bottom" half of the round, it goes like this:
Top1: L1, Z0
Bot1: L1, Z1
Top2: L1, Z2
Bot2: L2, Z2
You'll notice that after the top of the second, Zane has had one more question. If Free Beer applies the "Zane gets last at bats" principal, Zane could win by having one more question than the listener in even-numbered rounds.
I would ask for thoughts again, but I'll be insulted. So now, I'll ask for reasoned arguments about what I'm missing.
At the end of every round, Zane and the listener will have had the same number of questions, what differs is who goes first. Again, assuming Zane has elected to go second, in odd-numbered rounds, the listener will go first, in even numbered rounds, Zane goes first.
So, if you look at total accumulated questions in the "top" and "bottom" half of the round, it goes like this:
Top1: L1, Z0
Bot1: L1, Z1
Top2: L1, Z2
Bot2: L2, Z2
You'll notice that after the top of the second, Zane has had one more question. If Free Beer applies the "Zane gets last at bats" principal, Zane could win by having one more question than the listener in even-numbered rounds.
I would ask for thoughts again, but I'll be insulted. So now, I'll ask for reasoned arguments about what I'm missing.