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Right now I'm....
dino Wrote:
Allyson Wrote:We're trying to decide whether or not my boyfriend should take the job with the Army so we can move to MD together when the baes closes. It would be a paycut for the first year but an increase in one year and another a year after that. Should he take it now, or wait it out for a higher paying position, or should we both look for new jobs so we don't have to move, or what??? Oh, we have to make this life-altering decision by this afternoon.

As you know, once you get your foot into the door with the Gov't you have a better chance at transferring to another area within the Gov't than to simply get a job in your area. Maybe you could move back to NJ with a transfer in a few years if you really want to get back there. Are both of your positions readily available in other government agencies?

He's going to take it, it's just that he was expecting to start at $10,000 more because he has a Master's. But since his M.A. doesn't directly relate to the position, he starts at entry level. Whatev, he will see that $10k in a year anyway.
That's what she said.

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