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Eye of God Captured on Film
Doktor Wrote:My point is you didn't stand by your PM, Jiggy.

Major point being you flame "just because you have a rep to protect"

If you look at what he said, he stated he would delete the PM if he could. meaning he takes back any good things said to you.

Doktor Wrote:Moreover, I actually don't dislike anyone here, I generally wish we could at least get along if not be friends.

But noone you can get over the things I posted when I first joined. All you really have against me is a stupid story I wrote when I was bored that I posted on a Mortal Kombat forum when I left. That's all you have on me, you won't let that stupid story go.

Maybe you should pay more attention. If you look at everything you've posted in those first few days, they all were pretty ass holeish. You posted stupid things to gain attention, and they were negative things for the most part so you got negative attention. The story thread was stupid but not enough to piss me off. the biggest thing that pissed me off was your defense of everything you said, in that thread and the whole questions to christains thing and how you justified yourself. and so on after that with most of your posts with the exception of a few being pretty annoying. Yes now you are somewhat different, but you have already started off showing yourself as an ass so you are stuck with that.

Not to mention on top of it all at the end of your whole "doktor" thing you go and say how it was a character that you were trying to "test people". Basically looking to me like you were trying to just observe us as if doing some sort of study and we were your lab rats. This to me says you are looking at us as if you were looking down on us in a superior manner testing us to see how we will react as if in some greater purpose. This is another strike against you. and a big one.

In general you came here and had intentions to piss people off with your first impression. This sticks with you. You will have to do a lot if even possible to be deemed decent to a lot of us here.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]

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