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Eye of God Captured on Film
Wrong. Doktor is how i register on every forum.

I never thought of myself superior to you, and I still don't. And Yes my first account went over like a lead balloon but hey, I tried to bounce back as best I could. You were never lab rats or an experiment, I simply wanted to know what kind of people posted here. You should also noticed after registering I didn't post for a good few months. Why? Because I honest to GOd had no idea what to post on here about, it seemed like it nothing I could post about, so AND I WILL SAY THIS AGAIN WITH AS MUCH CLARITY I CAN MUSTER, wanted to see if anyone else liked comics.

You don't like me Mike. Noone here does. The only reason I have been an a-hole is because I was piled on, so yes I fought back, and as You've seen I fight dirty.

Jiggy can wish he could delete his PM as much as wants, but I still hold him to it, and that's why I called him out on it.

Biff: Well I could see your profile from a different computer but not your e-mail. that's my fault but always did seem pretty inconvenient to me.

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