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Eye of God Captured on Film
You said:

Quote:I'm only a dick to counter the trolls here.

So I said:

Quote:Troll (noun) - An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

And now you're saying:

Quote:But y'know, If there is a part to play then why not let someone fill it?

They LIKE hating me. And i like arguing with them. It's interesting and fun.

What would your forum be like without someone like me to "stir the pot"

But understand you motherhenning your older members. I always figure it was like this.

how you magically didn't have a hidden e-mail after I was let back on.

You wanted me to suffer.

So which is it this time? Are you a dick to counter the trolls, or are you the person who posts the inciting, inflammatory posts for the sole purpose of fulfilling that role, thus making you the very troll to which you're countering?

I think the problem people here have with you, and I can really only speak for myself, is that we don't have any faith in you. You seem to take pleasure in coming here and posting as a character of your delusional mind, as though we're all pawns in your juvenile little game, when in reality we're all so far above that level of puerility that you're the only one receiving any sense of satisfaction from our interactions, and you're pissed, because once more you're left to play with yourself.

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