03-09-2009, 08:36 AM
Today's show had a caller who had a friend who "Lived in the bayou and had a septic system" or something like that, and the toilet got clogged with condoms.
That reminded me of a story I heard about a girl at my college who supposed clogged her dorm toilet with hundreds of used condoms. Which was especially embarassing because this was a conservative Christian college.
I looked this up on Snopes and variations of the story go back to the 50's
Another favorite is the tourist toothbrush up the butt photo legend. Where there is a tourist on vacation in an island country, who comes back to his hotel room to find that he's had everything stolen, except his camera and bathroom supplies. The assumption is that the tourist continues to use his toothbrush as usual, then when he gets home and develops the film in his camera he finds a photo of the burglar with the toothbrush solidly inserted in his anus.
What are some Urban legends that you've heard ?
I love it when someone tells one of these absurd stories and swears that it's true.
No really Mark Wahlberg really did have to have his stomach pumped because he had a gallon of his brother's sperm in it.
That reminded me of a story I heard about a girl at my college who supposed clogged her dorm toilet with hundreds of used condoms. Which was especially embarassing because this was a conservative Christian college.
I looked this up on Snopes and variations of the story go back to the 50's
Another favorite is the tourist toothbrush up the butt photo legend. Where there is a tourist on vacation in an island country, who comes back to his hotel room to find that he's had everything stolen, except his camera and bathroom supplies. The assumption is that the tourist continues to use his toothbrush as usual, then when he gets home and develops the film in his camera he finds a photo of the burglar with the toothbrush solidly inserted in his anus.
What are some Urban legends that you've heard ?
I love it when someone tells one of these absurd stories and swears that it's true.
No really Mark Wahlberg really did have to have his stomach pumped because he had a gallon of his brother's sperm in it.
Wowie Groovie !