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Conjoined Twins
xxxredeye Wrote:Putting aside the bullshit offensive things I've said, in all honesty, every person I've talked to today about the subject agrees, bringing a child (or children) into this world with a major deformity, such as conjoined twins, is a horrible thing to do. Even a pro-lifer agreed, stating "I wouldn't put my child though that hell." It isn't good for anyone. Not being able to enjoy the simple things in life, such as taking a shit, or masturbating, or sex, or well, anything that involves anything! Come on, you can say I'm wrong, but, I am compassionate enough to understand the necessity of simplicity! Life is hard enough as it is, why complicate it more?

you don't miss the simplicity you never had.
i'm pretty sure the majority of conjoined twins don't make it either before or shortly after birth. kind of difficult to squash the kids when they show the potential to beat the odds.

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