03-09-2009, 06:07 PM
Effface, I used your own logic. Do yourself a favor and go stick your gelatinous head in the oven. It's asshats like you that make me sick to my stomach. YOU don't have the right to determine who lives or dies, and I do thank God for that.
You're a small, small little boy, and I can only hope that, since you're not taking my advice of sticking your head in the oven, you'll grow up someday, and realize that it takes ALL kinds of people to make the world an enjoyable place.
HOW DARE you say you have the right, or even the presence of mind, to determine what is a "good quality of life" for someone else?
It isn't often that I lose my temper due to the random posting of a delinquent with a keyboard, but you've done it, so you've got that going for you.
You SICKEN me.
Still waiting for those directions to your house, scumbag.
You're a small, small little boy, and I can only hope that, since you're not taking my advice of sticking your head in the oven, you'll grow up someday, and realize that it takes ALL kinds of people to make the world an enjoyable place.
HOW DARE you say you have the right, or even the presence of mind, to determine what is a "good quality of life" for someone else?
It isn't often that I lose my temper due to the random posting of a delinquent with a keyboard, but you've done it, so you've got that going for you.
You SICKEN me.
Still waiting for those directions to your house, scumbag.