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Conjoined Twins
I don't care what anyone says on the subject of a kid with any kind of problem (conjoined, disease, or whatever). Especially if you say you would do something of the nature of putting the child out of it's misery. You never know what you would do until you are faced with the specific circumstance. That is like saying if you had a child with AT you would just poison him/her, so he/she doesn't have to suffer. Seriously that is complete bull shit. I have a son who is now 3 years old. He was born with a very serious heart problem. The doctors told me that he only had a 10% chance of survival (conjoined twins have a better chance of surviving separation surgery). I didn't care at all what they had to do or even if he just had a 1% chance. If there was a way I would try to see if he could survive. Hell 10% really isn't too far from 1% after all. So anyone with or without kids saying they know they would rather have the kid just die instead of actually being an adult and striving through it is an ass. Yes my son was not attached to another baby, but most conjoined twins are able to separate with a great success rate. Also if you seriously think that inbreeding causes this you are stupid. Just in case you are unsure, conjoined twins are created by nature. Let me see if I can put this simple enough.

The ova(egg in a woman's body) is a cell. Cells sometimes tend to divide. Now each month a woman is supposed to drop 2 ova and those can be impregnated. Now the tricky thing about these 2 cells is that they can divide and create up to 4 copies of themselves. Thats why identical twins are AKA as maternal because the egg copied itself, and different looking ones are paternal meaning the sperm got to the 2 eggs. Now sometimes nature can be cruel and the egg doesn't complete this division, this is usually not a problem, unless Ms. ova meets with Mr. sperm. thus you get a pair of connected kids.

Now if the pregnancy is successful (conjoined twins have a higher miscarriage rate) usually there are very few vital spots connected and the kids can separate with very little trouble. So saying you would not want a child with such a defect that can easily be fixed is just plain ignorant, especally if you have never been in the situation yourself.

and krystal

Quote:I think now, as a single, rather immature person, I wouldn't be able to handle conjoined twins. I think I would try, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to give them the life they would deserve.

Trust me, before you have kids for the most part you will always feel like that. Once a child is born or even before it sometimes, you change and become the person that child needs.
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