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Arguments with your friends
Philly Mike Wrote:
Allyson Wrote:The ongoing fight I have with my boyfriend is mathematical theory. He claims that math is completely made up, just things that philosophers pulled out of the sky. My stance is it's not made up because two of something is clearly more than one of something, it's double, times two, etc. Just because we affix made-up words to them doesn't mean the theory is made up.

Really ??? i missed this one ever being mentioned.

Regardless who came up with the concept of math. Math is the way we created to actually quantify things or give things a value in an organized system. Kind of like the way science is a method to go about studying.... well anything.

The argument I have had with someone that I can remember is someone trying to tell me that .999~ (.999 keeps going on infinitely) = 1

This is based off the concept that if you have 1/3 of something it = .333~ which means because 3/3 = 1 that 3/3 must = .999~

The flaw in this concept is that 1/3 does not = .3333 It's just as close as we can get with a decimal.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."

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